Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Kept My Promise!

I finished Chapter 8 of Passionate One! I am so excited to see where these characters are taking me. The story is really getting good...I KNOW you will all like it...I just hope a publisher does.

I am having problems upping the sizzle factor, but I am going to take some time and write out some scenes, using "real life" (insert blush here) experiences, senses and desires.

I am really enjoying the workshop I am taking which is being run by Jennifer LaBrecque of Harlequin Blaze fame. I am learning some seriously delicious stuff.

Tomorrow there will be no completing of chapters...its Date Night. We are going to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine

I will blog about the experience on Saturday.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chapter Eight...Tick Tock

Chapter 8 of my current work in progress (WIP) has been a pain in my butt. It's taken 2 days to write a little less than 2k words. Understandably, things have come up, kids need taken care of, household needs cleaning, hubby needs by time, love and tenderness, and I just need brain numbing television. I PROMISE that tomorrow I will finish chapter eight and begin work on chapter nine. PROMISE!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wheels Keep on Turning...

I took a break this passed weekend, and I am glad I did. I spent the last few days of last week revising, which I loved, and now I feel renewed and ready to move forward.

Last night, I spent about 30 minutes brainstorming on the next project in my three book series. It looks like it's going to be awesome. I will keep you all updated on both projects.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I absolutely love the fact that I am part of a group of wonderful critiquers. I have uploaded all of my completed chapters to the critique loop and they have gone to town on them. Not the fun part begins...I am going to let the book rest where it is and go back and clean up some SERIOUS plot, pacing and POV issues. Once that is done, I will feel better about moving forward- there won't be that nagging voice in my brain telling me to fix the broken chapters. *Sigh*

On a happier note, I am excited about where this story is going. Passionate One is going to be fun to write and hopefully just as fun to read. Keep your eyes peeled for further information about it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Microsoft OneNote 2007

Hallelujah! Can I just tell you how wonderful Microsoft OneNote is?! I click on the little icon on the bottom right of my screen and I can just jot down whatever had just popped into my head. I dont have to save it, it does that automatically. It saves it to a "notebook" where I can organize it however I want to WHEN I want to. I LOVE IT. Thanks Dolores for mentioning it on Facebook.

I can definitely see how this software is going to REALLY help me out during the writing process. If you're interested in knowing more about it, Google it. You won't be sorry you did!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Blogspot, Here I Am!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I know that all of you have been waiting eagerly to hear from me...all of your waiting was not in vain. Here I am! Welcome me with open arms. Pick your awe jammed jaws up off the floor, and wipe the delighted drool from your lips.

This is where I will blog about my current WIP, publication, my writing experiences, and my life in general. I know you will want to hear about it all.

Stay tuned!